Hello. I'm Hiro Kashihara.
Thank you for reading my first ever blog post.
I have decided to write a blog regularly so that everyone can share the words and thoughts that I was unable to express on social media.
Until now, I have mainly connected with everyone through Instagram, but recently I have had more opportunities to speak to people directly at stores and events, and as I have started to speak my mind again, I have realized that I have only been able to communicate a small part of what I am saying on social media.
I have so many things I want to tell you, such as the story behind the creation of Jetées and Melees, the things I paid particular attention to, and the difficulties I faced during production, that I want to tell someone about them right now!
As I work silently every day, sometimes I feel the urge to talk to lots of people.
But actually, I'm not very good at expressing myself in words...
I will be writing carefully, little by little, so please bear with me kindly.
The title of the blog is read as "Soumokunikka."
I wanted to spend my days quiet and gentle, yet growing strong like plants. And I wanted to convey that feeling, so I named it.
The contents are mainly stories related to the works, new works in progress, things that are important as an artist, etc. Sometimes it might be good to have something useful for people who want to start making things.
You can also write comments, so if you have any requests, please write them down.
So, I look forward to your continued support.
Hiro Kashihara
You can also send your questions and comments via Marshmallow .
Marshmallow (send anonymous messages)